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Monday, May 31, 2010

White Bread

Last weekend try out this White Bread, I am very pleased with the texture as it is very soft and is very easy to make.The bread stay soft even after 3 days .


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am shocked and feel sad when i saw aunty irene post on the passing away of Richard. I don't know him or anyone of you but I ever read all of your blog last time. I remember that time he resigned, wanting to close his blog. Kind of weird because i don't know him but i find him pitiful and sad for him being bullied. Maybe he is like mc king and those who died suddenly, because of long suppressed stress? Hope he rests in peace and live a better life and don't be bullied in his next life. Hope his wife and family slowly get over. Actually a bit worried when read that his wife is strong....worried that she may "collapse" after the funeral or when everything is done. Just like those disaster victims, the suicide starts off after 3rd mth-6 mth. Maybe you all can try to show her and her children and parents concern continually. just a suggestion.

露出 said...


郣芁 said...


グリー said...


ジャパンカップダート said...

第11回 ジャパンカップダート 2010 予想 オッズには抜け穴がある・・・現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読みきる!裏情報を独占公開

ワンピース said...


ワンピース said...


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